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My love affair or should I say obsession with fashion and beauty started somewhere around age 5. It all began with my dad taking me shopping on Saturdays, and me picking out my outfits.  He taught me freedom of expression. My mom quickly put an end to my Saturday shopping spree with dad, booooo. 

I quickly realized that my favorite thing to do was to put outfits together and just have fun with them.  As I grew older I had a growing interest in skin care.  I had to come to grips with the

the fact that my skin was unique and that what worked for others may not work for me.


However, my mom unknowingly taught me that a beauty regimen is important.  I have watched my mom follow the same regimen for years and she has the most amazing skin that I have ever seen. At the age of 81, she does not have one wrinkle, now that’s incredible.  Of course, total beauty ultimately comes from within, attached to a sound mind and body.  None of this is easy.   A good and consistent exercise regimen along with healthy eating really does slow the aging process and make for a healthier you.  Of course  a little help from your favorite product can’t hurt.


Over the years I have collected some gems, as well as some, don’t even try that tips that will keep you looking and feeling good while being your best you.  Just remember consistency is key.

It has always been a goal of mine to share this talent and I believe that I am finally ready for this adventure who better to share it with than all of you?


Live colorfully, freely, unapologetically...


~Positively Denise

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My Top 5

1. An exquisite glass of champagne

2. A killer pair of shoes

3. Him 

4. Food, food, food

5. Traveling


Follow My journey

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