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Along the way, I discovered me….

Updated: Dec 10, 2022

What we can’t comprehend when we are younger is that we will one day get older. Now, at this point in my life, I realize that I was always rushing time as a child. I wanted to be older. Remember that saying; I can’t wait until I’m (insert age). I probably missed some pivotal moments in my life. The thing is, you can’t go back. I remember the days of not wanting to take a nap; now, I wish I could take those naps. In my twenties, life was about enjoying the moment and discovering myself. In my thirties, I was obsessed with my career and being a new mom while completing my education. It was the hardest and the best part of my life because it showed me what I am made of.

My forties showed me an end to old relationships and rebuilding a new life. It was in this phase that I started to pay attention. I started asking all the questions I didn’t want to ask myself when I was younger. I also started living for myself and not anyone else. I discovered travel and how much I love it. Something about a new place and discoveries makes my heart sing. I have realized that I do not have to be in control of everything; sometimes, things fall into place.

As I enter the fifty-fifth year of my life, I can say that it all does come together, maybe not when I wanted it to, but it comes together. Life is what you make it. It’s all about mindset. Do you allow yourself to see the negative, or do you find ways to seek out the positive things? I choose to live a positive life and find that the energy and blessings have flowed as I have adopted this practice. Each day I wake up with a grateful heart, thankful for my life. I realize that life can be simple. We, as human beings, complicate things. The wisest decision I’ve made to date is to live my truth!

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