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  • Writer's pictureDenise Cherrington

Be Careful what you wish for, it might just happen.

If you don't know my back story you are here for a treat because I'm going to tell you. Grab a chair and let's begin story time.

At the height of COVID when we were all wondering if we were going to make it out alive while drinking way too much wine, I decided to defeat my fears and start a business. What business you ask, I started a wine brand. It was one of the scariest things I've done but in true Denise fashion, I said f%$k it let's see what happens.

So I started on this journey excited to see where it would take me. Fast forward to two years later and with some experience in the do's and don'ts of the wine business I was comfortable enough to trust myself to take the next steps. Of course, this is after I stalled out and grew frustrated.

I blend well with people hence my leadership role in Human Resources, oh I forgot to mention I'm doing this with a whole other career. However the thought of going out speaking with people and speaking to something new to me was daunting at first, but I knew I needed to do it for the sake of getting my wine out into the world and building the brand.

I prayed about it and the answers to my prayers were the same, you have to get out there Denise. I always say things happen for a reason because I was recommended for a wine event which went very well. I made so many contacts and met so many great people. It was also a learning experience that would equip me for my next event that I did not know was in the making.

I say all of that to tell you this. Your prayers will get answered however you have to be ready to receive the blessings. One of my commitments for this year was to get out more and pour and talk about my wine and tell my story. I am a fifty-five-year-old woman who is still reaching for her dreams.

I hope this resonated with someone today.

Cheers to chasing our dreams.


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