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  • Writer's picturePositively Denise

Beauty Tip

The story usually goes like this. I think to myself I really need a moisturizer. I’ll just go after work. Well after work becomes tomorrow and next thing I know I have used all of the moisturizer.

Step two is borderline panic. Crap! What am I going to use on my face? Well I have lotion, so that happens begrudgingly. Then somewhere along the line a light bulb goes off and I say” omg Denise you’re a blogger, you have all of this product.

I hunt through my beauty stuff. And then I come across the moisturizer that I bought just for this day and then all of a sudden all is right with the world. Bloggers… we just have stuff.

I said all that to say.. don’t sleep on L’Oreal

This age perfect Glow Renewal is da 💣

You guys, I thought it would be oily but it’s light yet it moisturizes. ❤️ it. My face is happy, I’m happy and all is right with the world.

Walgreens to the rescue again. I love that place. #beautyfinds

P.S. By the way ladies, men don’t understand why we love Walgreens. I always have to explain it. Am I alone on this? And that is a conversation for another time.

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Anti- aging… heck yeah. I’ll let you know how this goes but aim excited to try this product. See more.. visit 👇🏽


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