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  • Writer's picturePositively Denise

Combatting Stress

It’s a New Year which brings new goals, new ideas, and yes, new stress.

We think about how to get to the next level in our careers. We think about how to improve our love lives, raise our kids, health and exercise, and the list goes on.

Before you know it we are hyperventilating, and wondering how we will ever make it through the year. So how do we make it better and not freak out? I always say keep it simple.

1. Do one thing at a time, the task won’t seem so daunting then.

2. Meditate, it helps to calm the mind it really does help when you feel overwhelmed.

3. Workout, if you’ve had a day of it just hit the treadmill and walk it off.

4. Simply relax, a glass of wine will do you good.

5. Stick to the plan

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