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  • Writer's picturePositively Denise

I know I know

Hello Blogger world it’s been a minute.

I’ve been consumed with work, life changes, and everything else that comes along with adulting. As we approach year end I realize the need to make changes in areas where things are not working or are not healthy for me.

Evaluation is a great thing. Taking yourself out of the situation and just looking at what makes sense is difficult but necessary. This year has been quite a learning experience for me. I’ve learned to use my voice more even if it may not be received favorably, I’m no longer keeping things in. I’ve learned that I come first, despite what people may say. I’ve been called selfish but I say if I am not in a good frame of mind and body how can I ever be okay to take care of the things I need to?

Being in a good place often brings people or things that try to disrupt that peace. I’ve also learned to let go of the things that are not good for me even if I may want them. It takes strength to just let things be.

Happy Holidays, this is my favorite time of year. I hope you guys are enjoying the celebrations but keeping in mind what the season is all about.

I hope you are also having reflection moments. Now on another note I plan to crush 2019. How about you?

Here are some looks that you missed💋

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