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Is this really the world we live in?

Below is an en email I received from my son’s school today. This is following a Snapchat post where a student threatened to go to the school and open fire. I called the Scottsdale Police Department as did many other concerned parents. It turns out it was a hoax, the 2nd one this year. As a parent I’m always concerned that when they say it’s a hoax is it really? When will be the day when it is a real threat. However can we live in fear?

I don’t want to not send my son to school every-time something like this happens. However if something does happen I’ll beat myself up for the rest of my life.

The simplicity is gone from our world and schools. School used to be for learning and enjoying childhood. Now schools are filled with bullies and kids who are not happy with their lives. This turns into killing and loss of innocent lives. As parents we’ve become jaded and always worry that something will harm our children. I can honestly say that I am counting down the days for when my son is no longer in high school.

What kind of society have we become? Children should be allowed to be children and be worry feee. They should not have to go to school worried and frightened. Hopefully these things will change, but until then hug your kids and tell them you love them. The world is a crazy place right now and we have to survive in it.

Desert Mountain High School

Hello Desert Mountain Community,

This is proud principal Dr. Lisa Hirsch. The tragedy in Florida has put us all on edge. Despite the communication that was sent out last night the fear and anxiety ensued. It is our responsibility to keep you informed. Please know we work closely with the Scottsdale police department and immediately report any rumored threat to our campus.

I want to personally thank everyone for making every effort to remain focused on learning in this current climate. We will continue to review and revise emergency response plans. Our faculty is strong and our students are exceptional. Thank you. Dr. Lisa Hirsch

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