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Simple Steps to a Whiter Brighter Smile

I love coffee and I also love a good glass of red wine. While these are all good things, its also an easy way to gradually get stained teeth. While a fading smile is not noticeable immediately in time the difference is visible.

What I did to brighten my smile.

I have a busy schedule, along with being a blogger I’m also a professional by day. I do lots of speaking and sometimes smiling. My life as a blogger consists of smiling for the camera often. I must keep my smile bright and camera ready. Here is where Smile Brilliant comes in.

In home teeth whitening you ask, I say yes. Long gone are the days of sitting in a dentist’s office, now whitening treatments are easily delivered to your doorstep.

How long is the teeth whitening program?

Funny you should ask that question, after the impressions are custom made and your teeth whitening system is sent to you, it takes anywhere 7-14 sessions for total stain removal. Simple treatments to whiter brighter teeth in your own comfort zone. Each person is different, some individuals may need less treatments. Results are proven just check out the testimonials.

My teeth whitening routine

I dedicate half an hour to this process. After I’ve had dinner and I’m winding this is the last step of my night. The whitening trays are super easy to fill. I pop them in my mouth and let it do its magic.

The results

After my weeks or whitening, I have to say that I’m in love with the results. Now let’s be clear everyone’s results will be different. Please remember you can’t start the process and then stop. Continuous commitment is needed for your brighter whiter smile. If you don’t believe me try it for yourself.

Visit Smile Brilliant and smile fearlessly!

Use my 15% coupon code: busystylebeauty to own your very own teeth whitening system.



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