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  • Writer's picturePositively Denise

So about last night….

Last night I decided to go and do a double session at the gym. I trained and worked legs and glutes and abs. I then left and went to Zumba and sweated something fierce. I was totally exhausted by the end. Sometimes I do too much. Long days and long nights sometimes lead to exhaustion. So I take care of this body of mine but I have to remember to not overdo it.

This morning as I literally crawled out of bed with sore body parts, I chuckled to myself. No pain, no gain right? Well today I could have dealt without the pain. Life is a juggling act, sometimes we can juggle just a little too much. However to all of those ladies that do what I do and still find a way to stay active, fit and still manage work and kids, kudos. Keep up the good work.

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