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The art of cooking

I’ve never been a fan of cooking. While I’m skilled at fashion the same cannot be said for cooking. I’m not the girl who can just whip something up, that’s not happening. I need help, I need step by step instructions to not ruin a meal. So I’ve been toying with the idea of trying a service that sends me all of the ingredients to make the meal, and all I have to do is follow the directions.

So I jumped off the ledge and decided to try Blue Apron. Now I don’t have a lot of down time so I have to plan for when I’m going to cook. When I made my first meal I was a little nervous, but it turned out well. I said to myself there you have it you can do this. The thing that I really like is if I don’t want meals for any particular week I can cancel the order. The program is a bit pricey at $60 per week but it works for me.

I am no longer nervous to make a meal as I don’t have to be creative, Blue Apron does that for me.

So finally cooking does not cause me undue stress. Yay!!​


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