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  • Writer's pictureDenise Cherrington

The day after Christmas

So after all of the eating, drinking, socializing whst is today about?

I'm lucky enough to be off from work. What will I do with this day? It's a time if gratefulness for me. It is a time of reflection. I get to think about the last year but I also get to think about my 2023 goals.

I take it one step further, I write it down. This is the scary part because I've turned thought into committment. I don't use words lightly.

One of the things that I committed to is to rest and I did that. My energy is always on 1000 but how long can I keep that up before running out of gas? So like I promised myself I rested. December 26th went just as I planned it. Hope yours went the way you planned it too.


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