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  • Writer's pictureDenise Cherrington

The holidays.....

Updated: Dec 22, 2022

The time of year when we are nicer for some reason, we eat more, and we dress up a lot.

For me, the holidays are a reminder of all that happened during the year. It's a time to rest, plan and regroup. It's also a time to eat things you normally wouldn't, like my aunt's black cake (aka rum cake, if you didn't know.) The holidays are my favorite time; it's the music, the smells, and the lights. It just feels good.

It's also a time to break out the sequins and those fancy dresses you don't normally wear. I don't know why we can't be fancy the entire year, but that's just me.

Cheers to the season, and as always, be you. I mean, who can do it better? Oh yes, and break necks with the outfits. After all, you are a badass.

Here is a fave look for the season!

Happy Holidays


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