The morning rant...
Updated: Dec 10, 2022
Hi there, quick question, why is getting out of bed sometimes the hardest thing I do all day?
I'll tell you why, my body is aging (insert sad face emoji )
I have gotten to an age most people will never get to see. I still look and feel good for the most part. However, that analogy that compares a 50 something person to that of warming up a car before you drive it is so true!
I have a conversation with myself every morning. It goes something like this. Here we go, we're going to move, this is followed by grunts, and stiff un-cooperating muscles before I sit up. Next comes the 5 minutes of sitting in the edge of the bed before standing. What the hell is this? I used to be able to spring out of bed. I mean, I work out, I have been involved in some sort of exercise since I was a teenager shouldn't this have preserved my bones? (rolls eyes) yet here I am with this daily struggle. Once I get it together and the bones are warm I'm fine but whew the first few minutes is touch and go.
I say all of this to say that aging, is inevitable it just is, so take the aches and pains along with the wisdom you've developed over the years and accept that change is a part of life and just live and make adjustments accordingly. xoxo