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The Past and Present me✨

Sometimes I look back past pics and I swear that I looked older then. The today me is more vibrant and outgoing. I have a little more meat on my bones and I’m loving me. I used to worry about every single thing which takes such a toll on you. One day I decided that I was going to just live and let life happen instead of trying to control it all.

You know what happened, I think I took 10 years of age off and I’m happier. I laugh more, there is not a day that goes by that I don’t have a good belly laugh. On the not so good days when I need a good cry, I do exactly that. I travel, I’m through saying I can’t because of this or that. I am contented. As nervous as I may get sometimes when embarking on new adventures I never cheat myself out of that experience. Letting go of baggage and accepting myself was such a good life lesson. So when I look aback at these pictures I say hmm what was I thinking, there is so much life to live.

And by the way it’s Friday, we made it now who else wants a cocktail? I know exactly what I’m going to have …

It’s 5 o’clock somewhere so have one for me 🥂

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