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  • Writer's pictureDenise Cherrington

The year so far...

I've learned that time seems to move more quickly as you age. I've made it a habit to be intentional about who I spend my time with and what I spend my time on. We can get so caught up in the hustle that we forget to celebrate the life we've built. I tend to make sure that every day brings me joy in some shape or form. I've spent a lot of time these past two years being deliberate about growing my wind brand. I've gotten out of my comfort zone and spent more time interacting with my customers and potential customers. Listening to the people who enjoy my wine makes me happy.

I've also been very fortunate to meet some really great people who share the same interests as me.

This journey has its ups and downs, but I can testify that mindset and how you view the world are game changers. If you believe everything to be negative, it will be. If you focus on joy, you will find it.

I challenge you to find your joy, find the things that make you happy, and carve out some time to focus on yourself.

Happy Sunday, lovelies; I hope your weekend is still good to you.



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