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  • Writer's picturePositively Denise

This brush

I have been eyeing the perfecting foundation brush from Bare Minerals for about six months.. I didn’t get how a little hole in the middle would give me better coverage. So on my fifty millionth trip to Ulta last night I broke down and purchased the brush. This morning when I put on my make up the coverage was flawless. The make up goes right in that hole and it does blend in perfectly. I didn’t have to put the foundation on the back of my hand and do the tap, tap. I saved some make up wipes and the foundation went from the bottle to the brush. Love it. Anything that makes the process easier and quicker I’m all for it. I recommend this brush 100 %.


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Anti- aging… heck yeah. I’ll let you know how this goes but aim excited to try this product. See more.. visit 👇🏽


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