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This Is 51

I’ve literally had writers block for the last couple of months. I’ve written drafts and erased them. I then said screw it I don’t want to write just for the hell of it so I took a pause.

Sooooo what have I been up to well here goes. I’ve been living my life. The ups, the downs the frustrations, the joys. I’ve had some work challenges, some mom frustration moments. I’ve also had some life defining moments. I have been lucky enough to make new friends. I’ve been told that I am inspiring. I’m not afraid to own my authenticity.

At 51, I am living my truth and living it in full color. It is amazing to me how life gets richer when you decide to live on your terms and not someone else’s. Oh and I am determined to be that brand the represents bold unapologetic women who are slaying at any age. I firmly believe in speaking your success into existence. So thank you for your patience but I’m baaaaaccckkkk.

Happy Sunday friends💋

Romper- Free People

Slippers- Dior

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