Waiting.. Listening .. Watching
These past weekends I’ve been doing something that I’ve always been afraid to do. I’ve been sitting still. It’s funny how the things that didn’t make a whole lot of sense when I was younger make sense now. I am a doer, always going, always moving. I always make the first move, I always make the plan, I’m always the matriarch. I never wanted to take a moment to just be, probably because In those moments you find out who is important to you and for you, and who is not.
My mom said to me once know who you are stop doing it all let people prove themselves to you.
Sometimes doing nothing is necessary. What is for you will find you. If you are important they will. I never forgot those words but I kept moving, I wonder if it’s because I was afraid of the truth.
Spending my weekends in has been refreshing it has given me a new perspective. It has also allowed me to plan for me. The hardest thing for me to do is nothing, however this certainly is a lesson I needed to learn. Lessons are learned only when you are ready. Nothing happens before it’s time. This is a simple note to say take care of you first.
I hope your weekend was amazing and you are ready to kick the door down in this short work week. Yay to three day work weeks🙌🏾