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  • Writer's picturePositively Denise

What to do for your winter hair

The winter reeks havoc on our scalp, well at least it does on mine. When the colder weather hits I know it in my scalp. I start to get very itchy. This does not happen in the summer as the heat keeps the moisture in. So what do I do about this annoying little problem? I turn to moisture shampoos and I use glossing products on my scalp. I don’t use heavy oils because I don’t scalp greasy I just want it moisturized. My go to is Fakkai glossing products. There is also a glossing product by Paul Mitchell. An inexpensive product is Fructise. I just put some in the palm of my hand and rub it into my scalp. If your issue is more severe there is a trick that I learned from my hairdresser. The trick is using Sea Breeze on the scalp after you shampoo. Trust me it works. Any of these products can be found in your local drug store. Healthy hair is beautiful looking hair.

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